Tuesday, August 23, 2016

assignment with way too many pictures

The photo was taken in an unknown place.

It's an image of a girl hanging her laundry out to dry.

Describe the scene: A girl is hanging her laundry out to dry on telephone wires using a ladder to climb up to the wires.

In the picture you can see:

In the foreground there is laundry hanging from the wires.

Mid ground there is more laundry and the girl hanging the laundry.

In the background there is just the telephone wires disappearing into the horizon.


The viewer's attention is focused on the girl on the ladder.

The photo is light, happy, and calm.

The photo makes us feel calm.

The picture makes us think about Sunday afternoons.

The photographer mainly uses colors and tones. 

The photographer uses colors and tones to express the mood of the scene. 

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show an interesting take on a normally boring task.

It seems/appears to me that they did a good job at expressing mood.

The photo was taken at a lake.

It's an image of a guy canoeing.

Describe the scene: A guy was simply canoeing abound a lake when suddenly the water turning into just pieces of glass on the ground and he could no longer canoe.

In the picture you can see:

In the foreground there is shards of glass on the ground that look like broken up pieces of the lake. Plus there is a dead fish.

In the mid ground there is a man who is half in a canoe looking at the ground in complete confusion, same pal, same. 

In the background there is the lake continuing background completely normal, like how an actual lake is. 


The people ( the objects) look as if they confused as heck.

The viewer's attention is focused on the man in the canoe and the shards of the broken lake on the ground. 

The photo is bright, vivid, and slightly majestic.

The photo makes us feel confused and interested.

The picture makes us think about lakes.

It looks like a not so normal day on the lake.

The photographer mainly uses colors and facial expressions. 

The photographer uses 
colors and facial expressions to express the feel of confusion the man canoeing is feeling. 

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show an different take on reality.

It seems/appears to me that life has an interesting way with plot twists.

The photo was taken in a room of some sorts.

It's an image of a guy punching is face.

Describe the scene a guy in punching his face and his face looks like a whoopi cushion made from flesh :).

In the picture you can see a straightforward case of where the subject of the piece is in the middle and the rest is just made to make the main subject pop. 


The people ( the objects) look as if they in pain.

The viewer's attention is focused on the guys gross looking face.

The photo is very expressive. 

The photo makes us feel like we are in the subject's shoes.

The picture makes us think about life. 

It looks like a really relatable feeling.

The photographer mainly uses exaggeration. 

The photographer uses exaggeration to express how the guy feels.

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show an emotion that hopefully can be relatable to others.

It seems/appears to me that this is so relatable. 

The photo was taken in multiple places.

It's an image of a fish and an island.

Describe the scene: There is a fish underwater and the scene shows how the island on top of the water is actually the fish's back.

In the picture you can see ___

In the foreground there is a fish chilling underwater.

In the mid ground there is the island that is poking out on top of the water.

In the background there are trees and a really nice sky.


The people ( the objects) look as if they actually one. 

The viewer's attention is focused on on the fish because of its drastic difference in color.

The photo is both light and dark.

The photo makes us feel spectacle. 

The picture makes us think about how are things really what they seem.

It looks like there is more than what meets the eye.

The photographer mainly uses color and illusions. 

The photographer uses 
color and illusions to express an interesting take on a normal scene. 

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show that not everything is what it seems. 

It seems/appears to me that the photographer did a good job at the illusion.

The photo was taken at possibly a frozen lake.

It's an image of a guy cutting up ice from a frozen lake.

Describe the scene: There is a guy with a chainsaw that he appeared to use to cut up ice with frozen fish inside.

In the picture you can see:

In the foreground there is the guy with chainsaw and the frozen fish.

In the mid ground there is the rest of the frozen lake. 

In the background there is a bomb sky.


The people ( the objects) look as if they very cold.

The viewer's attention is focused on the main with the chainsaw.

The photo is very cooled toned. 

The photo makes us feel cold.

The picture makes us think about winter. 

It looks like a not so fun time. 

The photographer mainly uses colors.

The photographer uses colors to express the mood and feel to the photo. 

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show a more cold and moodier scene.

It seems/appears to me that the man looks kind of sad.

The photo was taken in probably multiple places.

It's an image of a tired guy walking from one door to another. 

Describe the scene: There is a guy in a bathrobe walking out one door and is heading towards another door. It appears that the doors aren't connected to anything and that they are in the middle of a field. 

In the picture you can see:

In the foreground there is grass with little cute flowers scattered in the grass. 
In the mid ground there is the man in the bathrobe and the magical glowing doors.

In the background there is more field and a really beautiful sky.


The people ( the objects) look as if they are very tired.

The viewer's attention is focused on the glowing doors and the man in bathrobe. 

The photo is magical and surreal. 

The photo makes us feel magical.

The picture makes us think about how the sky is truly a beautiful thing.

It looks like a place I want to spend my time at.

The photographer mainly uses elements 

The photographer uses different elements to express a surreal scene.

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show a different take on a scene.

It seems/appears to me that the photographer does good at surrealism.

The photo was taken in possibly multiple places.

It's an image of a woman in a shoe.

Describe the scene: There are a pair of boots and a woman is in one of the boots and the boots are placed in a field.

In the picture you can see: 

The boots are both in the foreground and the mid ground. 

In the background there is an awesome sky.


The people ( the objects) look as if they dreaming. 

The viewer's attention is focused on the woman and the boots.

The photo is warm toned and very dreamy. 

The photo makes us feel like we're dreaming.

The picture makes us think about some weird dreams we've had before.

The photographer uses the subject and sky to express the dream like image. 

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show a dreamy scene.

The photo was taken on a dirt road. 

It's an image of a person who was on a bike ride and the road suddenly ended and just drops down like in that one episode of spongebob. 

In the picture you can see ___

In the foreground there is the dirt road continuing on like normal.

In the mid ground there is the road drop and the person with the bike.

In the background  there is the dirt road continuing on like normal.


The people ( the objects) look as if they confused.

The viewer's attention is focused on road drop.

The photo is vivid.

The photo makes us feel confused.

The picture makes us think about that one spongebob episode.

The photographer uses perspective to express the situation. 

He/She (probably) wants to criticize/express/show an interesting perspective. 

The photo was taken possibly on a shore.

It's an image of a guy paining the landscape and the part of him that is blocking the canvas is made to look like its made out of paint. 

In the picture you can see:

In the foreground  there is the guy painting.

In the mid ground and background there is the landscape.


The viewer's attention is focused on the painter.

The photo is cool toned and vivid

The photo makes us feel calm.

The photographer uses illusions to express the desired result.

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